The main garden area.
I also have some pretty flowers blooming. It's really nice to have the different flowers take turns making the garden pretty.
At this point in the growing season, some things are ending and others are ready to take off. The garlic came out a couple of weeks ago, the snap peas are done, and the kale will be ending soon. And the asparagus is long over. I've also had some lettuce fizzle out on me but since I staggered my lettuce planting, I still have plenty.
On the upswing are tomatoes (they're as big around as quarters now), we have kiwi sized melons (full size will be grapefruit size), and the okra, beans, watermelons, cucumbers, and eggplant are looking good. I'm also still thinking about starting more tomatillos.
Eggplants & Tomatillos on the left, melons/watermelons in the middle.
And if any of you remember my fridge with a whole shelf dedicated to wildflower seeds, those have worked out too. I have quite a few different types of native wildflower seedlings that I need to transition into the ground. The really good news there is that I will start getting flowers on most of the next year and I didn't buy any new flowering plants this spring! David- did you read that- I didn't buy any vegetable seedlings either for that matter. They've all come from seed. (Disclaimer: I did spend a good amount of money on seeds and soil- but not nearly as much as if I'd bought plants).
If any local folks reading this need any seeds or eggplant seedlings, let me know. I have leftovers of both. And we're already getting veggies from the Cranfords' (David's folks) garden so we'll be sharing that around soon as well. On a similar note, have I forgotten anything? Omission of squash and peppers was intentional in case you were wondering.
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