For those of you who spend much time around me, you're likely well aware of my gardening habit. As hobbies go, playing in the dirt with hopes of producing food or pretty plants is about the only one I have time for right now. So, as other people are trying to start their own gardens, they've asked questions and supported the idea of me sharing via a blog. Now that I've been snowed in for a few days, I'm finally getting around to making it happen.
At the moment, my garden (and everything else) is trying to survive from beneath 6-7 inches of snow. This kind of weather is not common for central NC so I'm curious to see how the plants (and people's sanity) do from the experience.
Peeking out of the snow are the tops of garlic and broccoli. There is also kale in the vegetable garden but it's too short to see at the moment. I'm hoping that they didn't get too cold over the last couple days and that they'll thaw back out and keep growing.
Regardless, I'll learn something from the experience which is how I've been learning to garden. Try something and it either works or doesn't. And now maybe some friends will learn from it as well.